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Cambodia client, TELA, place the, order Honeycomb Internal Floating Roof for Gasoline tank

- Item : Honeycomb Internal Floating Roof
- Country : Sihanoukville, Cambodia
- Client : Burgan Terminal company, VTTI.
- Q’ty : ID34m x 6tanks
These two main storage centers were constructed to true international standards in terms of technical, safety and environmental designs. With the terminals and modern fleet of road tankers, TELA imports and distributes good quality products to the service stations and all clients throughout Cambodia. TELA commitment to total quality control and services are the foundation for our networks of service stations excellence serving today’s demanding customers. TELA also has standard jetty with an Operation Platform that allows the ships weigh from 500 to 5000 tons to dock safely and conveniently.
To make it possible, World Bridge Industrial Co., Ltd., was placed the purchase order from TELA for Honeycomb Internal Floating Roof for Gasoline tank. World Bridge Industial Co., Ltd has good technical capability and reputation in Honeycomb type Internal Floating Roof business department. This order proves that WB’s design and technology are fully approved in World-wide market.